Homework Study

Here’s something i’m going to talk about today and it’s how to get your homework done quickly and easily. These are like study tips but for homework. Some of the tips I use is do the homework and than goof off and, when I get stuck on a problem skip it and then come back to it. The one I mostly use is to get my homework done and then goof off. It sounds easier said than done but it works. It takes me about two hours to finish my homework then I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want. It’s hard not to get distracted if you have siblings or somebody else who is watching tv or on their phones and you just want to go do what they’re doing, but then later they have to do their homework and you’ll be goofing off.

Image result for homeworkThe next tip is if I get stuck on a problem I skip it on go onto the next problem. I have to go back to the problem later so solve it. That way I can save time and then spend time on the problem. These are some study homework tips you can use. The End.



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